Game Download


If you are able to purchase the game, please do so. Check the purchasing guide on the Touhou Wiki to see where you can buy it.
Unfortunately, the game is only sold in physical format and is out of stock in most areas.

Curated downloads

These packages have been bundled to include additional mods and tools which help improve convenience or functionality. If you are downloading the game for the first time, it is strongly recommended to use a curated package rather than the basic download. Whichever method you choose, it will not affect your ability to play with other players regardless of their region as long as you are on version 1.10a and have SokuRoll (considered essential outside of Japan) installed. Furthermore, you can simply modify your installation manually to enable or disable additional functionality as you like.

Package Description
#hisouten Curated Package Contains the essentials and popular mods in the #hisouten server. If you’re unsure, get this one.
OCE Soku Curated Package Contains the essentials, practice mods and QoL changes optimised for playing in the OCE region. If you are in Australia or New Zealand, get this one.

Basic download

Game Client

If, for whatever reason, the above packages don’t work for you, you may be interested in the original game client without any mods enabled or configuration adjusted. As Hisoutensoku acts as an expansion to the previous Touhou fighting game, you will need to acquire Scarlet Weather Rhapsody (SWR) as well as Hisoutensoku and link the two together. Without SWR, you will not be able to access the entire character cast. Note that the curated packages already have this covered.

Get Touhou 10.5 - Scarlet Weather Rhapsody here:

Moriya Shrine - Scarlet Weather Rhapsody

Get Touhou 12.3 - Hisoutensoku here:

Moriya Shrine - Hisoutensoku

Follow the instructions in the links provided to set up your game.

Additional downloads


SokuRoll is mod which has the ability to drastically improve netplay by introducing rollback netcode. Although you can explore a wider list of mods here, this deserves special mention because it is considered essential in most communities outside of Japan.

Click this link to get it from the English Wiki and check out the readme in the compressed package for installation instructions:

Hisoutensoku Wiki - SokuRoll 1.3

Note that if a game is hosted using SokuRoll, players and spectators will also need to be using SokuRoll to be able to connect.


autopunch is an easy to use tool which helps players that are unable to port forward to be able to host games. It is fully compatible with SokuRoll.
Get it from the autopunch homepage:

autopunch Home

Note that much like SokuRoll, a game hosted using autopunch requires connecting players and spectators to be using it as well.

MacOS and Linux

The game is natively available on Windows only, but you can play on MacOS and Linux by using wine. However, netplay is not perfect on these platforms, so it is recommended to use Windows for anything other than casual matches.

Check out the setup guides to find one that suits your needs.

See also: Hisoutensoku Wiki page on linux